Main Article on Name/Gender Change

Updated June 2023:  Read my article on Name/Gender Change (it has been viewed over 25,000 times) and is regularly updated.

Shared Parenting Agreement – If you've committed to joint parenting but can't adopt (or choose not to), the legal parent can have a contract drafted for shared custody with a domestic partner. The agreement should specify that, although only one of you is the legal parent, you both consider yourselves parents of your child, with all the rights and responsibilities that come with parenting.  This could be very helpful in keeping the family together if the legal parent dies. The downside is that if you and your partner break up, you will still be sharing custody.

Lauro Law is working in Arkansas to help achieve a society in which lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people enjoy the constitutional rights of equality, privacy and personal autonomy, and freedom of expression and association.  The Lauro Law Library contains "Legal Issues Affecting Same-Sex and Transgender Families in Arkansas 2013" and the article "Representing Transgender Clients" by Michael V. Lauro, Jr. that first appeared in the Arkansas Bar Association’s Young Lawyer Section “In Brief”, summer 2011 edition.

Lauro Law can provide basic information about Arkansas laws that affect same-sex couples and parenting. We also provide information about resources available for the LGBT community  who are facing other forms of discrimination and civil rights issues.

Lauro Law is one of the premier Arkansas LGBT Law firms.  We have extensive experience providing legal services to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender clients.

We will:

  • Explain what a Shared Parenting Agreement contains and the legal requirements
  • Explain your rights and responsibilities
  • Provide you with appropriate data and information gathering questionnaires
  • Provide advice and guidance relating to specific language base on your situation
  • Provide drafts of the Shared Parenting Agreement to insure your satisfaction
  • Prepare the final Shared Parenting Agreement and any supporting documents
  • Host the signing and notarizing of the Agreement

For information about LGBT issues in Arkansas, please browse through our Library.

Lauro Law also assists LGBT clients who are seeking a Estate Planning, Name Changes, Gender Changes, Adoptions, Transgender Transition Identity Assistance in Arkansas. 

Contact Lauro Law, PLLC by calling 501-613-6529 or email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for more information.

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Lauro Law, PLLC uses Clio Practice Management Software to help manage the firm and client matters through a number of tools, including workflow, task management and collaboration.  In addition, Clio Connect is a secure portal through which clients have access to shared documents, such as important court orders and completed estate planning documents.  The portal also allows clients to communicate with the firm through secure message and document uploads.  Existing clients may set up an account and login after receiving an invitation from our firm.  Existing Client Login to Clio Connect.

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Office:  Virtual / Online / In-Person

Mailing:  1818 N. Taylor St., Ste. B #130, Little Rock, Arkansas 72207

Phone: (501) 613-6529, Fax: (501) 476-4086, Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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