Main Article on Name/Gender Change

Updated June 2023:  Read my article on Name/Gender Change (it has been viewed over 25,000 times) and is regularly updated.

Probate is a legal process that takes place after someone dies. The probate process usually includes:

  • Obtain a copy of the death certificate and the original will
  • Validate the original will (with a signed and witnessed Proof of Will)
  • Prepare and file the forms and documents needed to begin the probate
  • Inventory the estate and submit to the court
  • Publish notice of the probate of the estate in the local newspaper
  • Pay the claims of the estate
  • Submit a final accounting to the court and distribute the remaining assets to the beneficiaries

People usually want to avoid the probate process since it can be a long and expensive process. There are many ways to avoid probate, such as owning property jointly, payable on death (POD) accounts, life insurance policies with beneficiaries, moving all assets into a living trust, or giving the property away before death.

At Lauro Law, PLLC we will use our knowledge of Arkansas Probate Law and our experience to answer your questions and assist you though the Probate process.

At Lauro Law, PLLC we take a special interest in every case and we will:

  • Explain the entire Probate process and how we will facilitate that process
  • Explain the Personal Representatives duties and responsibilities
  • Provide appropriate data and information gathering questionnaires
  • Provide advice and guidance during the Probate process
  • Drafts and submit all probate documents to the Court
  • Assist the Representative with all their duties and responsibilities
  • Prepare the final Probate and supporting documents

Lauro Law, PLLC also provides advice, Estate Planning services and representation in:

  • Wills
  • Trusts
  • Estate Tax Planning

Contact Lauro Law, PLLC by calling 501-613-6529 or email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to schedule a free initial consultation.

Clients Have Access to Secure Document Storage & Retrieval

Lauro Law, PLLC uses Clio Practice Management Software to help manage the firm and client matters through a number of tools, including workflow, task management and collaboration.  In addition, Clio Connect is a secure portal through which clients have access to shared documents, such as important court orders and completed estate planning documents.  The portal also allows clients to communicate with the firm through secure message and document uploads.  Existing clients may set up an account and login after receiving an invitation from our firm.  Existing Client Login to Clio Connect.

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Office:  Virtual / Online / In-Person

Mailing:  1818 N. Taylor St., Ste. B #130, Little Rock, Arkansas 72207

Phone: (501) 613-6529, Fax: (501) 476-4086, Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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