Main Article on Name/Gender Change

Updated June 2023:  Read my article on Name/Gender Change (it has been viewed over 25,000 times) and is regularly updated.

A Will is a legal declaration of the manner in which a person (testator or testatrix) wishes to distribute his or her estate after death.  It contains written directions to control the disposition of property at death. The will becomes effective at the time of death.
Each state sets formal requirements for wills and the will must be prepared and executed in accordance with laws governing wills.  According to Arkansas law the maker must be 18 years of age or older, of sound mind and the will must be in writing signed by the maker.  If the will is typed, it must be witnessed by at least two people, 18 years of age or older and of sound mind.  The witnesses cannot inherit anything from the will.

Why Should You Have a Will?

  • Even if you do not have much property or money, you may have special items or money you would like to pass on to your loved ones or charities.
  • It may help to avoid family disagreements over who should get what.
  • It allows you to give your things to whom you want and does not leave that decision to a judge.
  • If you have children, it is helpful to a judge or your family to know whom you want to have custody of your children. While the court makes the final decision, you can make your wishes known through a will.
  • If you want to identify where your property is located, you need a will.

If you are considering a creating a will or changing and existing will, it would be in your best interest to discuss your situation with an experienced Arkansas Estate Planning attorney.

At Lauro Law, PLLC we will use our knowledge of Arkansas Law and our experience to answer your questions and assist you though the Will process.

At Lauro Law, PLLC we take a special interest in every case and we will:

  • Explain the entire Will process and how we will facilitate that process
  • Explain your rights and responsibilities
  • Provide you with appropriate data and information gathering questionnaires
  • Provide advice and guidance for methods of distributing your property and assets
  • Provide drafts of the Will to insure your satisfaction
  • Assist you in obtaining the witnesses, if necessary
  • Prepare the final Will and supporting documents
  • Host the Will signing
  • Notarize the Will and prepare a Proof of Will

Lauro Law, PLLC also provides advice, Estate Planning services and representation in:

Contact Lauro Law, PLLC by calling 501-613-6529 or email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to schedule a free initial consultation.

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Mailing:  1818 N. Taylor St., Ste. B #130, Little Rock, Arkansas 72207

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