Main Article on Name/Gender Change

Updated June 2023:  Read my article on Name/Gender Change (it has been viewed over 25,000 times) and is regularly updated.

Here's what to expect if you hire me to assist you with your name and/or gender change:

For Name and Gender Change clients only:  No Charge for 15 Minutes Phone Consultation

  • There is no charge to talk with you for 15 minutes about your name and/or gender change needs.

Mostly online process.  Most of the process is done online so there is no need to risk your health or safety to meet in person, and most of the court hearings are being conducted virtually, if a court hearing is even required (in most courts they are not required for name or gender change requests).

Secure client portal.  When you interact with me online, in addition to email/voice/text, you can do so through my secure client portal, called Clio.  The portal allows us to upload/download/share documents, send secure messages, and share notes. You can also access and pay bills in the portal.

The portal is called "Clio for Clients."

You will have access to the portal only after I share the first item from your matter.

Let's Get Started.  When you are ready to start your name and/or gender change process with me, I will email you links to the following items:

  1. Name/gender intake form.   This is an online intake form that you can complete on your computer, smartphone, or other mobile device.
  2. Fee Agreement.  After I review the intake forms, I'll create a fee agreement that you can review online and e-sign. I'll e-sign it after you and then you'll receive a fully signed digital copy.
  3. Online Payment.  With the fee agreement in place, and after answering any questions you have, I'll send you an online payment request that you can pay with a debit/credit card. If you prefer to mail a check or money order, that will be fine. These funds will go into my client trust fund account which takes a few days after you make the payment. If you need to make multiple payments at different times, that is fine too. After the balance is paid, I will begin drafting your court documents.

Sometimes I will speak with clients ahead of time, and if they are interested in hiring me, I will usually send the links for all three items above in one email.  That way it's easy to keep track of the intake form, fee agreement, and payment.  When all 3 items are submitted, I will start drafting the court documents.

Drafting your court documents.  After your payment is completed, I will draft the court documents and any necessary paperwork and upload it to the client portal for your review.

When you approve the documents and provide the required notarized petition and affidavit, I will e-file the documents with the appropriate court and communicate with the judge's office during the process and keep you in the loop. If the judge signs the order, I will obtain 3 certified copies for you from the clerk' office.

For additional fees, depending on what you need, I can create individualized instructions on how to update your Social Security record, driver's license, and birth certificate, including certificates of birth abroad, and how to obtain/renew a U.S. passport.  If you were born in another county, I will help you update the name/gender marker on your naturalization document or green card to the extent that is possible given your situation.

I will mail the 3 certified copies and the instructions to you, and I will also make a digital copies available to you in the client portal. 

So how much does this cost?  The prices below are effective February 1, 2025.

Birth Certificate Amendments Not Requiring a Court Order: Changing a parent name and mother/father label

  • Attorney Fee:  $495
  • Vital Records Fees:  $27 to amend one birth certificate; $10 for each additional amended copy purchased at the same time.

For Unbundled (Document Drafting Only) Name Change: Adult

  • Attorney Fee:  $495
  • Includes emailed instructions on how to file the case, handle a hearing, and obtain certified copies after the judge signs the order.

For Unbundled (Document Drafting Only) Name Change: Minor Child, Uncontested Only

  • Attorney Fee:  $545
  • Includes emailed instructions on how to file the case, handle a hearing, and obtain certified copies after the judge signs the order.

Full Service Name Change: Adult (18+)

  • Attorney Fee:  $645
  • Court Filing Fee:  $185 for electronic filing counties, otherwise $165 (list of e-filing counties)
  • Optional Attorney Fee: $125 to obtain amended birth certificate from vital records (includes shipping by UPS Ground 1-5 day delivery)
  • Optional Vital Records Fees: $27 to amend one birth certificate; $10 for each additional amended copy purchased at the same time.

Full Service Name Change:  Minor Child, Uncontested Only

  • Attorney Fee:  $695
  • Court Filing Fee:  $185 for electronic filing counties, otherwise $165 (list of e-filing counties)
  • Optional Attorney Fee: $125 to obtain amended birth certificate from vital records (includes shipping by UPS Ground 1-5 day delivery)
  • Optional Vital Records Fees: $27 to amend one birth certificate; $10 for each additional amended copy purchased at the same time.

Full Service Gender Change: Adult Only

  • Attorney Fee:  $695
  • Court Filing Fee:  $185 for electronic filing counties, otherwise $165
  • Optional Attorney Fee: $125 to obtain amended birth certificate from vital records (includes shipping by UPS Ground 1-5 day delivery)
  • Optional Vital Records Fees: $27 to amend one birth certificate; $10 for each additional amended copy purchased at the same time.

Arkansas Birth Certificate - Amendment Instructions

  • For all full service name and gender change clients born in Arkansas, my fee includes detailed instructions on how to update the name and/or gender marker on your birth certificate.

For Individualized Identity Document Instructions (choose what you need):

  • Base fee to create instructions:  $100
  • Arkansas Regular & REAL ID / Enhanced Security Driver's License: +$25
  • Social Security Card and Record:  +$25
  • U.S. Passport:  +25
  • Birth Certificates from other U.S. States (not Arkansas), or Federal Consular Report of Birth Abroad (CRBA): +$25
  • Certificate of Citizenship or Naturalization: +$50

Are there any other costs?

If there is a hearing required by the court after we file your petition, I typically offer fixed hearing fees ranging from $150 to $250 depending on the county in which the hearing will be held.  Usually I will only attend hearings in Pulaski County and the surrounding counties in Central Arkansas.  Please note that if a hearing is required, it is preferred that the attorney of record attend the hearing. It would not be a good practice for me to let you attend the hearing by yourself.

During the time takes for you to update your identity documents provided in the instructions that you purchased from me (see the list above under Individualized Identity Document Instructions), you may reach out to me with any questions without any additional cost.  For example, if you update your Social Security record right way, you can contact me for help.  If you decide to wait and update your birth certificate after a year, or your passport after 2 years, you can call me with any questions you have and there is no extra charge.

How longs does the process take?

After the intake form, fee agreement and payment items are submitted, it typically takes me a couple of days to draft your court documents. You will need to allow for time to review the documents I draft for the court.

You will also need to allow time to have one or more of the documents below signed and notarized:

1.  Petition for Name Change and/or Gender Change:  This is the main document that requests the court to grant your name and/or gender change request.  At the end of the petition is a Verification section that you will need to sign and fill in your state and county.  Below the Verification section is the Notary Acknowledgment section which you will need to have completed by a notary public.  You must only sign the Verification section while in the presence of the notary.  

2.  Petitioner's Affidavit.  For name changes, there is an affidavit that you will need to get notarized, which means you'll need to sign it in front of a notary public and they'll sign and stamp it with their notary seal.  So you will need to allow time an plan for this.  Until the end of May 2021, for clients in Arkansas, I am able to notarize your documents by video conferencing apps, such as Zoom or Skype.  At the end of May 2021, the Arkansas Governor may extend this option through executive order due to the current health pandemic.

If I notarize the document for your by video conference, you will need to mail the document to me so that I can sign and stamp it.  If you have the document notarized on your own, then you only need to send me a copy of it, preferably a scanned PDF.  You can email this file to me or you can upload it to the secure client portal.  You can also fax the document to me.  You'll need to hang onto the original in case the judge asks to see it, but usually this isn't required.  If you mail the document to me then I'll e-file a copy of it and return the original signed document to you.

For Gender Changes only, we'll need to file only one of the 2 documents below:

3.  Gender Change Document, Option 1:  Physician's Affidavit.  This is a document that I can prepare with the name, address, phone number, and medical license number of your surgeon or physician.  They will need to sign it and have it notarized.

4.  Gender Change Document, Option 2:  Surgeon's/Physician's Medical Certification Letter.  Ideally this letter will be on the official letterhead of the surgeon or physician and it will be signed by the surgeon or physician.  It is preferred, although not required, for this letter to be notarized.  If you are only filing for a name change, and you can't update the gender marker on your Arkansas birth certificate (see below), but you may be able to if you were born in other states.  If you can't update the gender marker on your birth certificate, you can still update the gender marker on your Social Security record by self-selecting your gender on the SS-5 form.

After I have all of the court documents ready to be filed, I will electronically file them with the court.  If we are filing in a non-electronic filing county, I will either file the paperwork at the courthouse or mail it to the clerk for filing.  After your case is filed, it will usually go smoothly and we can expect a judge to sign the order anywhere from a couple days to a couple weeks if a hearing is not required.  I've had cases take as long as a week, but cases that take 2 or more weeks are rare.

What's the difference between a Name Change petition and a Gender Change petition?

If you were born in a state that requires that your sex is changed by surgical procedure, then you will need to file a Petition for Change of Gender with a court in your birth state in order to update the gender marker on your birth certificate.  So if you were born in Arkansas, and you've had gender-confirming surgery, you can file a gender change petition so that you can update the gender marker on your Arkansas birth certificate.  If you also want to change your name, then we can file a Petition for Change of Name and Gender.

In some situations, you won't need to file a Petition for Change of Gender to change the gender marker on your birth certificate:

  • You were born in a state (Arkansas, for example) that requires that your sex is changed by surgical procedure and you have not had this procedure.  You would not be able to update the gender marker on your birth certificate until you can show proof of surgery.  You can still file a name change petition here in Arkansas, and we can get the gender marker updated at Social Security, on your AR driver's license or ID card, and on your first-time or renewed U.S. Passport.  The standard to change your gender marker at these other agencies is less stringent that the birth certificate rule and only requires proof of appropriate clinical treatment for gender transition.
  • You were born in a state (California, for example) that does not require surgery but instead requires that you have had appropriate clinical treatment for gender transition .  If you were born in a state that does not require surgery to update your birth certificate, you will need to follow the instructions by your birth state's health department or vital records rules.  I will provide these instructions to you, and in some cases will help you by pre-filling out the forms.

I can help you.  I have been helping people be successful with these matters for over 15 years since 2009.  I would be happy to help you.  Let me know if you have any questions based on this information and/or if you'd like to get started.

No Charge for 15 Minutes:  There is no charge to talk with you for 15 minutes about your name and/or gender change needs.

Email me:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Call/Text/Voicemail:  501-613-6529

Fax:  501-476-4086


Clients Have Access to Secure Document Storage & Retrieval

Lauro Law, PLLC uses Clio Practice Management Software to help manage the firm and client matters through a number of tools, including workflow, task management and collaboration.  In addition, Clio Connect is a secure portal through which clients have access to shared documents, such as important court orders and completed estate planning documents.  The portal also allows clients to communicate with the firm through secure message and document uploads.  Existing clients may set up an account and login after receiving an invitation from our firm.  Existing Client Login to Clio Connect.

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Office:  Virtual / Online / In-Person

Mailing:  1818 N. Taylor St., Ste. B #130, Little Rock, Arkansas 72207

Phone: (501) 613-6529, Fax: (501) 476-4086, Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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